Program #1


“Life Coaching”

THIS IS FOR YOU if you’re feeling powerless in the areas of health, mindset, family &/or finances & need mentoring to tap into your POWER

Program #2


“MINDSET, Fitness & Diet Coaching”

THIS IS FOR YOU if you’ve tried every fad diet & pretty program & QUIT! It’s because that plan works for them NOT YOU! More info below


What's Included

  • 2-3 weekly in depth MINDSET calls with Eddie
  • Monthly 1 on 1 mentorship action step calls with Eddie (Most valuable voted by my clients)
  • 24/7 direct access to Eddie For exercise, diet, mindset & all around life guidance
  • Weekly accountability calls to track progress & check in stats to modify
  • Weekly Q & A calls
  • Personalized nutrition plans with access to thousands of meal plan options, recipes, cooking instructions, snacks, shakes etc. with weekly Calorie & Macro nutrient modifications tailored to your goals so you never plateau (secret to all of my clients quick & sustainable transformations)
  • Weekly personalized exercise program (GYM or HOME) with VIDEO demonstrations specific for your goals (NO GUESS WORK)
  • LIVE zoom weekend workouts
  • Full access to the POWER UP community of empowering & driven individuals like you
  • Grocery list
  • Detox guide
  • Vitamin & supplement list (optional)
  • Recovery guide (joint pain, stiffness, aches etc.)
  • Monthly CASH prizes, challenges & giveaways

VIP experience

What's Included

  • Monthly mindset calls with Eddie
  • 24/7 support and accountability
  • Monthly check-in/ Accountability calls
  • Meal plans options (All foods, pescatarian OR plant based) with monthly calories & macro adjustments
  • Weekly customized exercise routines w/ video demonstrations for HOME or GYM
  • Live zoom workouts
  • Community full-access
  • Grocery list
  • Detox guide
  • Vitamin list & supplement list (optional)
  • Monthly CASH PRIZES, Challenges &/or giveaways


First 12 week breakdown

Phase 1

Your physical & health goals:

To burn off all fat that you’ve tried to lose BUT CANT, any health hinderances like low energy levels, body aches etc. by losing your first 25-35 lbs in the first 12 weeks (personalized if you have more or less weight to lose) by optimizing your health with a high nutrient calorie/macro calculated nutrition plan, customized exercises HOME or GYM, (vitamins & supplements optional) & quality sleep improvements

Your Mindset & lifestyle goals:

1 on 1 POWER calls with me to kill your destructive habits YES KILL (if you’re not open to fix this, WE ARE NOT A GOOD FIT) & build constructive habits in areas you feel powerless in (I.G wake up time, weak will-power for food, vices, negative self-talk, toxic environments, etc.) & build a strong foundation to start LIVING & LOVING your LIFE to its fullest! The work starts with YOU before it does with anybody or anything outside of YOU

Phase 2

Your physical & health goals:

Physical goals will be to focus on your weaker areas in the gym & your body fat percentage with strength training & body recomposition (still lowering your body fat percentage but also putting on lean muscle mass) will get you stronger in the gym & in movements like your squat, chest press, back rows, deadlifts, push-ups, pull-ups, etc.

Your Mindset & lifestyle goals:

Reinforce your habits & start to stack skill sets & quality character traits to POWER UP in areas outside of YOU! Your relationship &/ or CAREER (one focus at a time) with our POWER calls & a proven process to ramp up your momentum

Phase 3

Your physical & health goals:

Will be focused on hypertrophy (lean muscle) in the areas you desire! This phase will consist of mostly machine workouts with advanced techniques and cues to literally chisel & carve out your body! This phase will also consist of some more advanced diet training! SHIT IS GETTING INTERESTING!!!

Your Mindset & lifestyle goals:

We will compound growth on you’re already existing constructive habits by challenging yourself to get more uncomfortable & getting stronger in those areas but make the main focus your weakest link (career, environment, relationships)

Phase 4

Your physical & health goals:

Fully educate & subconsciously program you to know everything exercise, nutrition, vitamins, supplements, sleep etc. specifically for you until it’s hardwired so you can continue to advance on your own

Your Mindset & lifestyle goals:

You have built a strong foundation of the fundamentals of life (physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, financially & spiritually) You have now adopted the POWER UP philosophy & fell in love with the process of continued growth & evolution!


This is for my busy professionals, busy parents, OR  anybody ready to master SELF before they can start MASTERING LIFE!  This is for anybody SERIOUS & Ready to financially invest in themselves & wants to work directly with Eddie for a life-changing transformation (Body, Mind, Family, Finances, etc). this plan is in-depth NOT because you’re obligated to do it all but on the contrary, gives you options & the flexibility to join as many calls as you would like, schedule your 1 on 1 call on your schedule & have access to every resource at your disposal! This is for anybody tired of WASTING their time & money on ineffective quick fixes & NEEDS a permanent solution! Fill out the application below to schedule your 1 on 1 call with Eddie to see if we’re a good fit to work with one another! SEE YOU INSIDE


First 12-Week Breakdown

Phase 1

Weight loss & Health

Beginners phase focuses on Fat Loss & Optimizing your HEALTH


  • Lose 25-30+ lbs every 12 weeks
  • Healthier Mental state
  • Healthier physical state
  • Healthier relationship with food
  • Significant positive changes in your body
  • Increased quality of sleep
  • Increased energy levels
  • Increased confidence & self-esteem
  • Increased strength & mobility in your body
  • Better understanding of Exercise & Nutrition
  • Sense of identity amongst like-minded women in Girls Gone Fit
  • Vitamin education & intake or substitute options (Optional)
This initial phase of this program is to get you through the beginning motions of just starting or continuing your all around health journey the right way! We focus mostly on your Mental & Physical well being & build it up through my coaching approach! All while bringing down your overall body fat percentage through proper exercise & nutrition

Phase 2

Strength training & recomposition

8 week strength training phase (NOT TO GET BULKY) but to build all around strength & confidence in the gym.


  • Learn how to Start doing OR do more Push ups & Pull ups ( this protocol is optional but highly suggested & beneficial for the next phase)
  • Enhances curves & Builds strength in weaker areas
  • Burns unwanted FAT from stubborn areas
  • Increase Squat strength, power & being able to lift more weight than you are now
  • Increase Glute strength & Size
  • Increase upper body strength
  • *Recipe Book (coming soon)
  • *Implementation of different macro nutrient methods like carb cycling, timing etc to optimizing results
  • *Supplement list

Phase 3

Muscle building

Gets very interesting!!! In this phase the primary focus is optimizing lean muscle growth in ALL THE RIGHT PLACES! We will mostly be using machines & doing some advanced technique work that will get very fun exciting to learn.


  • Solely focusing on building lean muscle in ALL THE RIGHT AREAS that you once thought we’re impossible
  • Increases strength and power
  • Increases caloric expenditure, which may aid in weight loss
  • Increased symmetry (avoids muscular imbalance)
  • Aesthetically attractive
  • Generally still benefiting from most of the benefits from the prior stages

Phase 4


Where you will train with me & a couple of special guests LAST PHASE