Understand you're your greatest investment & if you haven’t realized that yet, START!

Something I’ve said that has been resonating with you & TODAY you had a click moment so you decided to take initiative! I don’t want you to lose this feeling of having the urge to change so let’s start somewhere

We noticed that you showed interest in our program, but may have been hesitant to commit due to the cost. I completely understand, and I want to let you know that we have an option that is more affordable, but still offers all of the same amazing benefits.

Do it with Eddie, his support team & your community

  • Exercise plan…
  • A meal plan with a calorie calculator to adjust your calorie needs
  • Monthly Q & A’s WITH EDDIE
  • Monthly live workouts
  • Full access to…
  • Daily motivation & accountability
  • 24-7 customer support
  • FAQ’s

Who is this for?

This is for you if you’re either just starting OR starting back on your fitness journey and want to start off with the basics. You will have 24/7 support. You will have an @ home OR gym workout routine with video demonstrations, reps, sets etc. You will also have monthly Q & A’s with Eddie & MUCH MORE! This is for you want to build your foundation of exercise & Diet and can’t YET afford a qualified coach or in depth mentorship with Eddie

First Payment of $44